Tag Archives: Thom Browne

Thom Browne on GILT.com

thom browne

images from Gilt Groupe

Nothin’ like easing into the beginning of the week with a nice big sale from a nice big name.  To me, Thom Browne is all about creating the modern urban dandy from a prep vantage…except, his world of prep doesn’t stem from the one shared by Ralph Lauren and the horseback-riding polo-playing Thors of the Aryan race…instead, Thom’s is darker, a bit more subversive, less sun-kissed…think forgotten corner in the basement level of some Ivy League library…  Thom himself is such an attractive man…he’s every bit the perfect face for his label…


ANYWAY, sale ends tomorrow night…so get in there and buy buy buy…

CLICK HERE if you don’t have an invite to access gilt, yet.

A few of my favorite looks from the sale after the jump:

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